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- Reception
Class RB: Class Teacher – Miss Baker
Early Years Practitioners – Mrs Harrison-Alway, Mrs Dave and Mrs Holliday
Class RC: Class Teacher – Mr Edmonds
Early Years Practitioners – Mrs Stavrinou, Mrs Chanda and Miss Bateman
Welcome to Reception’s page! We are very excited to be one of the first steps in your child’s learning journey. In here, they will learn independence, social skills as well as the wonderful maths, writing and reading they learn along the way. We always teach the child it is good to make mistakes and how to build confidence through a play-based, vocabulary-rich curriculum.
We are located in the Early Years Unit.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to us or contact us.
On this page, you will find lots of useful information about your child’s learning journey in Reception. To your right, you will have some key documents, which will support you in understanding some of the learning that takes place as well as things, which may support your child at home. You will be able to keep up with your child’s learning though Tapestry (a log in is provided within your child’s first few days) and through our blog (which is located below, on the right-hand side). We will keep these updated regularly so you can see all the amazing learning your child does!
- PE Lessons will take place every Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school for this each week.
- Library sessions will take place on a Thursday afternoon. Your child will be able to bring home a book to read for pleasure for the week and this must be returned the following week. This will be alongside their weekly reading books.
- Each child should have a named water bottle in school daily. This must be filled with water only; no juice or flavoured water.
- Please clearly name all clothing, including PE kits.
- Please provide your child with a set of spare clothes. Please place these in a named bag to keep on their peg.
- Reading packs must be in school every day.
- Please ensure that you share your child’s reading book daily and sign your child’s reading record.