Agora Learning Partnership

Agora white 300x156Our school is proud to be of The Agora Learning Partnership. The Agora Learning Partnership is an inclusive, collaborative and forward looking Trust where we all work together, learn together and succeed together in order to give all of the children in our academies the best possible education and learning opportunities.

The word ‘agora’ is an ancient one which means a place for meeting and coming together. Therefore the name Agora Learning Partnership was chosen as it reflects the way schools in the MAT come together to learn and work in partnership for the benefit of the all the children.  In addition, we continue to work with HfL and other schools in Hertfordshire.

Contact Telephone Number: 01923 589418

The Orchard Primary School is a business name of the Agora Learning Partnership, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 10290954 at registered address The Orchard Primary School, Gammons Lane, Watford, WD24 5JW.