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Welcome from the Headteacher

I am delighted on behalf of the staff and governors to introduce you to The Orchard Primary School.

This website gives you an insight into the ethos, culture and character of Orchard, our values and expectations for each individual child.

Cooperation between staff, parents and governors is an important and vital means of ensuring positive growth and development for our children. For this to succeed, we strive to establish and maintain a good home-school partnership and welcome active involvement from parents in their children’s education and schooling.

Mr SpectorWe hope that your child will be happy with us and look forward to welcoming you to Orchard. We work together to enable your child to find satisfaction and purpose in the activities that we provide whilst enjoying their time here.

The school is proud to be part of the Agora Learning Partnership. For more information about Agora, please visit, agoralearning.co.uk

Mr Spector – Executive Headteacher