School Uniform
The school’s uniform supplier is ‘Beat School Uniforms’.
Visit their website to find out more.
The Orchard Primary School is proud of its identity and children are expected to wear the school uniform when attending school or participating in a school organised event outside normal school hours.
Articles of clothing have been chosen that are either readily available at local superstores/department stores or through the school uniform shop. Uniform order forms are available from the school office and the school’s website.
Our policy for school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school
- Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school
- Is practical and smart
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
- Is regarded as suitable wear for school and is considered by parents as good value for money
- Is designed with health and safety in mind
- red or white polo shirt
- red cardigan, jumper or sweat shirt
- grey shorts or trousers
- grey skirt
- white, black or grey socks
- black shoes
- red and white summer dress
- white, grey or red tights
- plain hair bands in the school colours
PE / Games wear
All children from Reception to Year 6 are expected to have, and keep each week in school their school PE kit. This should be kept in a small bag ( ’rucksacks’ are available from the school) because we are very limited for space.
Items of clothing
- House T-Shirt
- blue shorts
- blue jogging or track suit trousers (for cold weather)
- plimsoles or training shoes (dependent upon the activity)
Second Hand Uniform
We have second hand uniform available at school. This is overseen by our PTA where a second hand uniform stall will have uniform available after school at different points thorough out the year. The school will ask for a donation from parents who take uniform, but this is discretionary.
Children should not wear any kind of jewellery to school. It presents a real danger in PE lessons and must be removed. Watches may be worn but we DO NOT accept responsibility if they are misplaced or broken. If your child has pierced ears, ONLY small, plain studs are acceptable and worn at your own risk.
The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes that have platform soles or high heels and we strongly discourage the wearing of such.
Please see the policy page for the Uniform Policy