
At Orchard our vision is for the children to be creatively, physically and academically fit for life. 


The children take part in a range of sports throughout their time at Orchard, progressing on their skills over time and are given opportunites to take part in a range of inter-house competitions in their year groups. We are part of the School Sports Partnership which provides competitive opportunities for young people across the district, with an inclusive competition structure, ensuring our children can participate in a wide range of sports, from intra-school competitions to County Finals and beyond. 

The School Sports Partnership provides the following our children with the following activites in school: 

  • Year 1, 2, 4 and 6 Stay Active Sessions 
  • Year 3 Healthy Heroes 
  • Year 5 Playleader Training

as well as whole class competitions at a Secondary School venue in our local area:

  • Year 4 Tri Golf
  • Year 5 Tag Rugby and Fun Run
  • Year 6 Indoor Athletics and Dynamos Cricket 

We also participate in many direct entry competitions, such as:

  • Year 2 Indoor Athletics
  • Year 2 Multisports 
  • Year 3 Indoor Athletics
  • Year 3/4 Rapid Fire Cricket 
  • Year 4 Dance Festival 
  • Year 5 / 6 Netball
  • Year 5 / 6 Girls' Football
  • Year 5 / 6 Boys' Football
  • Year 6 Hockey and Tag Rugby 

Orchard children have enjoyed many successes with these events, making it through to county finals over the years and we are proud of the successes the children have had!